Criminal compliance
Most frequently solved problems
- Complete analysis of existing preventive measures of legal persons
- Preparation or updates of internal rules to prevent unlawful conduct
- Criminal compliance training
Business carried on by legal persons always bears certain risks that may lead to adverse consequences. Under Act No. 418/2011 of 2012 on the criminal liability of legal persons, the company itself may become, under certain conditions, criminally responsible for a crime. An artificially created legal person acts externally through its representatives and thus cannot, in fact, commit unlawful conduct. With regard to the principle of imputability, however, criminal liability of legal persons constitutes unlawful conduct of the statutory body or, as the case may be, of another person occupying a leading position or of controlling persons as well as conduct of employees when performing their work tasks. Taking into account the ever-increasing number of prosecuted legal persons, particularly in the area of economic and environmental crimes, the criminal compliance programme is becoming increasingly important for legal persons.
Our team has extensive experience in the area of criminal liability of legal persons. In addition to representation in criminal proceedings, we also provide tailor-made preventive measures to ensure compliance with legal standards, i.e. the so-called criminal compliance. We will also be happy to assist you and review your existing internal regulations and other internal documents or to assess and resolve any situations that may pose a potential risk of occurrence of criminal liability to your company.
Implementation of complex criminal compliance
- Complete analysis of existing preventive measures of legal persons
- Preparation or updates of internal rules to prevent unlawful conduct
Criminal compliance training
The training is intended for:
- Company owners
- Statutory representatives
- Top management of companies
- Employees of the legal and inspection departments of legal persons
As part of the training, you will get acquainted with the issue of criminal compliance and the possibilities of prevention of criminal liability of legal persons.