JUDr. Jiří Polanský


JUDr. Jiří Polanský works at the Chrenek, Toman, Kotrba spol. s.r.o. as an attorney focusing primarily on criminal law. He joined the original office of Toman & Partners as an attorney-at-law in 2015. Before that, he practiced law at the Chomutov law firm Polanský a partneři, with which he later moved to Prague. In 2006, he became a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, where, among other things, he significantly participated in the discussion and approval of the new criminal code effective from 2010. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague in 1976, and since 1990 he has been registered in the list of attorney-at-laws maintained by the Czech Bar by Chamber No. 00513. As part of his legal practice, he specializes in legal advice in the field of criminal law as well as sports and real estate law.


  • Attorney-at-law


  • Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague (JUDr.)


  • Criminal defenses at all stages of criminal proceedings and before courts of all levels. Currently focusing on the economic sphere
  • Expert analyzes of criminal law issues
  • Real estate law
  • Art trade
  • Sports law
  • The right of joint property of spouses


  • Czech
  • Slovak

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