Copyright and IT law

Although the history of advocacy dates back to ancient Rome, it is not possible to be stuck in the past when practising it. That is why our law firm has top attorneys specializing in media law, intellectual property law, information and communication technology law and internet law. With a forward-thinking approach, we provide state-of-the-art legal services to protect your interests in today's dynamic legal environment. Put yourself in the hands of our lawyers and let them guide you through the complex issues of today's digital world.

Most frequently solved problems

  • provision of legal services in the field of trade marks (registration of trade marks, their administration and protection), patents and industrial designs
  • legal counselling in the field of protection of company names, commercial designations and know-how
  • comprehensive legal services in the field of protection of copyright works
  • preparation of contracts for the use of copyright works, licence and sub-licence contracts
Specialists by your side

Our experts in copyright and IT law

Our copyright and IT law team is made up of innovative thinkers who are ready to take care of the legal aspects of your work and its protection. This way, you can concentrate fully on your project and not give the competition a chance to get ahead. With our IT and copyright experts, you won't be at risk of game over.

IT law is one of the most dynamically developing areas of law. This is also connected with its important component - virtuality, which knows no boundaries either in time or in the scope of its application - what was modern yesterday is already obsolete today. Therefore, when providing legal services, we place great emphasis on reflecting the current decision-making practice of national and international courts and new findings from theory.

We provide our clients with legal services, for example, in drafting licensing agreements, in conducting disputes arising from employee works and infringement of personality protection rights, in drafting legal opinions in the field of communications, in representing victims in the field of cybercrime and crimes against binding rules of the market economy, or in conducting the contracting process in the field of software and hardware.

In media law, we provide legal services relating to all forms of media. In particular, we specialise in the legal regulation of television, radio and online broadcasting.