Criminal law

With our extensive experience defending our clients, we understand that facing criminal charges can be an incredibly stressful experience. Therefore, we pride ourselves on taking individual care of our clients and effectively representing them throughout the criminal process, which has earned us the distinction of being a highly recommended criminal law firm every year since 2013. We understand the serious consequences that a criminal charge can have on our clients' lives and are thus prepared to provide the support and guidance necessary to navigate this challenging time. We aim to provide our clients with reassurance and peace of mind, so you can rely on us to keep you informed, answer your questions and fight for your rights.

Most frequently solved problems

  • provision of legal assistance in providing explanations and testimonies within pre-trial criminal proceedings
  • defending the accused in all stages of criminal proceedings (pre-trial stages, trial, proceedings on ordinary and extraordinary remedies)
  • representation of the parties and aggrieved persons in the enforcement of their claims in criminal proceedings
  • provision of legal services to sentenced persons in the exercise of their rights to modification of the sentence, expungement of the conviction
  • due diligence and preparation of internal measures for legal entities as prevention of their criminal liability
Specialists by your side

Our criminal law experts

The team of our law firm includes several renowned and regularly ranked criminal law experts. JUDr. Petr Toman is, among others, a founding member and a member of the Presidium of the Union of Advocates of the Czech Republic, z.s. Together with JUDr. Jiří Polanský, he is a sought-after author of various opinions in the field of criminal law, and he also gives a number of lectures in this area for the professional and lay public. JUDr. Polanský, who is also a member of the Czech Bar Association, has, among other things, significantly contributed to the discussion and approval of the new Criminal Code.

Since 2013, our law firm has been ranked each year as a highly recommended law firm in the field of criminal law in the Law Firm of the Year contest.

Our law firm provides comprehensive, expert legal assistance in all stages of criminal proceedings. We represent our clients in criminal proceedings, prepare written submissions to law enforcement authorities, and we naturally also participate in other parts of criminal proceedings, such as interrogations.

We particularly provide representation in criminal proceeding situations arising from or related to business activity. We also provide representation in the enforcement and exaction of the claims of clients as damaged parties.

We provide legal help in criminal law to both natural and legal persons. We have extensive experience in the area of criminal liability of legal persons. We also offer our clients comprehensive audits and risk analysis in terms of criminal compliance, recommendations for changes and assistance with their implementation.